Monday, October 25, 2010

les miserables

les miserables

there was just glass, just glass between me and.. not being hungry anymore..

the gargoyle

the gargoyle

dû bist mîn, ich bin dîn
des solt dû gewis sîn
dû bist beslozzen
in mînem herzen
verlorn ist das sluzzelîn
dû muost ouch immer darinne sîn

it's our scars that makes us who we are..

Monday, September 27, 2010

fight club

fight club

an entire generation, pumping gas, waiting tables.. slaves with white collars. advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. we're the middle children of history. no purpose or place. we have no great war, no great depression. our great war is a spiritual war. our great depression.. is our lives. we've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods and rock stars.. but we won't. we're slowly learning that fact. and we're very, very pissed off.. do not fuck with us!



a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

black death

black death

some say he found the witch, and that he tortured her, and burned her. others say it was never her, it was only her guilt that he saw, in the eyes of the accused. I'd like to think that he found peace, that he continued to see beauty in the world, goodness..



- which one are you?
- all of them.. I thought I could change what I am.. but it doesn't matter what I do, what I choose.. I'm what's wrong. this is.. fate?!

Sunday, September 12, 2010



you're just a shade..

Saturday, September 4, 2010


baga'mi'as pula'n gura, 'n neamul si'n mortii vostri de nesimtiti si imbuibati ordinari care va bateti joc de'o tara'ntreaga: scarbele de la federatie, mircea sandu "nasu", mitica dragomir "corleone" si ionut lupescu, jegurile de ion si victor becali si toti ratatii din "echipa nationala"! cat va mai rabda pamantul, scursuri umane si neobrazate ce sunteti? putrezira'ti in iad sa putreziti si arza'v'ar focurile vesnice sa va arza!

ps: aceiasi urare de bine valabila si pentru TOATA "clasa politica" a Romaniei de dupa '89 (cu exceptia domnului Coposu, desigur)!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

mafia 2

you've picked a hell of a time to turn into a fuckin' comedian!

Monday, August 30, 2010

once upon a time in america

once upon a time in america

- it was.. it was only.. one of you i've got to know.. personally, though..
- which one? let's see how good a memory you've got for faces.

Monday, August 16, 2010

paname, ..

paname, la ville lumière..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

hell, ..

hell, it was about time!

Friday, July 23, 2010

last argument of kings

last argument of kings

he held his other hand up, and he left the fingers spread out, and the moonlight glinted black on his bloody hand, and on the bloody stump of his missing finger.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

before they are hanged

before they are hanged (re)

crowds rarely cheer too loudly for the defeated, no matter how hard they fought, how great their sacrifices, how long the odds. maidens might wet themselves over cheap and worthless victories, but they don't so much as blush for 'I did my best'.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

the blade itself

the blade itself (re)

back to the mud with you.. we're the poorer, and the ground's the richer for it.

as far as i'm concerned you can fuck whomever you please, though my general observation has been that, as far as the reputation of young women are concerned, the less fucking the better. the reverse is true for young men, of course. hardly fair, but then life is unfair in so many ways, this one hardly seems worth commenting on.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


paulica, ofili'ti's'ar tentaculele sa ti se ofileasca!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

michael clayton

michael clayton

give me 50 dollars worth. just drive.

Monday, June 28, 2010

the mystery knight

the mystery knight

i'm going to clout you in the ear so hard your head will turn around backwards, and you'll spend the rest of your life looking at where you've been.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

crazy heart

crazy heart

I was going where I shouldn't go,
seein' who I shouldn't see,
doin' what I shouldn't do
and beein' who I shouldn't be

funny how fallin' feels like flyin'
for a little while

Thursday, June 17, 2010

house m.d.

house m.d.

I'm alone.. whatever the answer is, you don't have it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

in yours, ..

in yours, mine's way too fucked up..



e ca si cum m'as uita

e ca si cum m'as uita
in oglinda
misc un deget
iar tu'ti arunci parul pe spate
iar tu'mi zambesti
cu toti cei 32 de dinti
si inima mea
te sarut
iar tu ma strangi in brate
pana devenim

am sa te iubesc

am sa te iubesc
pana la sfarsit
si dincolo de el
pentru c'am sa fiu tot eu
iar tu
tot tu

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

suntem pe marginea

suntem pe marginea
unui pod
unul la celalalt
peste apele
haide sa ardem podul
dintre noi
(sau hai sa'l trecem odata)
o sa ne ia o vreme
sa ne hotaram
dar cat, oare
cat o sa mai stam oare

eu stiu!

eu stiu!

nu te supara,

nu te supara,
ai cumva o inima?!!
am si eu nevoie de una
a mea se pare ca nu mai bate cum trebuie
poate ca niciodata n'a batut
sau poate ca toata lumea
e surda
de fapt..
ma gandeam
ca mi'ar prinde bine una
chiar si mai mica

Saturday, June 5, 2010

esti altfel

esti altfel
nu stiu
parca ma privesti
intr'un anume
si mainile'ti tintuite
par a tremura
dar stai, straine..
de ce n'atingi

e o noua zi

e o noua zi
si am sa fiu din nou bine
o stiu
am deschis ochii
si lumea era acolo
la locul ei
sa ma trezesc sau
din nou..

deschide ochii
e o noua zi

Thursday, June 3, 2010

este un drum intunecat

este un drum intunecat
cel pe care pasesti spre casa mea
poti sa deschizi usa
si sa intri
oricum n'ai sa ma gasesti
si sincer sa fiu
nici prin alta parte
pentru ca nici eu
nu am
pe unde mai sunt

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ca sa schimbi lumea

ca sa schimbi lumea
incepe cu un pas
ca sa te schimbi
pe tine
cu mai multi
pentru ca esti
mai mult decat o lume
esti tu

Saturday, May 29, 2010

asa traim

asa traim
asa o sa si fie
de pe azi
pe maine
si apoi
pe mai tarziu

si cand n'o sa mai ramana

si cand n'o sa mai ramana
ce'o sa ne facem?
eu unul

esti bine?

esti bine?
acolo, departe
de'unde'am plecat
nu pot sa nu ma'ntreb
de unde'am plecat
acolo, departe
esti bine?

Friday, May 28, 2010

nu vezi ca ploua?

nu vezi ca ploua?
cu picaturi reci
'n siroaie
de ganduri
nu vezi ca ploua?
peste mine
peste tine
peste ceea ce
'am fost
chiar nu simti?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

up in the air

up in the air

- hey honey, who's at the door?
- it's just someone who's lost.. a parenthesis..

Thursday, January 14, 2010



i'm lying on the anvil looking up at myself swinging the hammer.

Sunday, January 3, 2010



i see you