Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the weather man

the weather man

I remember once.. imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like. I pictured having all these qualities. strong, positive qualities, that people could pick up on from across the room. but as time passed, few ever became any qualities I actually had. and all the possibilities I faced, all the sorts of people I could be, all of them got reduced every year to fewer, and fewer, until finally they got reduced to one.. to who I am. and that's who I am.. the weather man.. hello, America!

trist.. ingrozitor de trist..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007



se repezira la inger, se prabusira asupra lui, il trantira la pamant. fiecare voia sa'l atinga, fiecare voia sa aiba macar o farama din el, o pana, o aripa, o scanteie din flacara sa minunata. ii sfasiara vesmintele, parul, pielea de pe trup, ii smulsera penele, ii patrunsera carnea cu coltii si ghearele, il napadira ca niste hiene.

mirosim a ceea ce suntem..

Friday, May 18, 2007

mana ta, imi este

mana ta, imi este
ca o pala de vant
pe ochi
pe gat
pe sani
pe sufletul meu

interesant.. pacat..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

in your, perfect world

in your, perfect world
there's no place for such,
like me..